Thursday, June 29, 2006

Review of the Wildcat 2006

Argh, the radio's have been a pain. It seems as though they were at times hard to hear. Just not clear enough. The 27mhz was great and clear, but the boats have to be off most of the time to use them.

VHF radio's have a greater range and would be more effective, but again I think we need to look at the effectiveness of a hand-helds volume.

The computer is also a major issue. We were luck to revive the old computer for the wildcat. But the old girl is well behind the times and frustratingly slow and now UNRELIABLE.

Better plastic plates for the dinner- now the meal was of such substance it seemed a shame to struggle with a flimsy plate.

I think we were luck with the NPWS, there was very little access for day visitors and a lot of parking etc north of the road.

The Course was good, easy to set and not too difficult to change. The NOR and sailing instructions needed to ensure that all bouys etc are marked and included in the instructions.

Garbage collection was great and having Ross's bins was a convenient was to colect rubbish.

Duties on shore include committee for protests. I think we should have a discussion regarding the process that was used at the regatta. Was it effective? We should have more members trained in managing protests. Ray, Tim, Mark your input would be highly valued.

Prizes, again this year we did not havea major sponsor for the event. Many thanks to Zhik for their contribution to the event.

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