Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The Wildcat is the October long weekend. 2-3-4 October

Camping is available at the club from 1200 Friday until 1200 Tuesday.

One briefing on Saturday at 1300.

Racing from 1000 on Sunday and Monday.

Presentation Monday afternoon.

Fees have been changed to include ALL NSW National Park fees. (Camping and car).

Fees are $90 for 1 person boat and $100 for a 2 person boat. These fees include all camping and car access to the park as well as race fees.

Everything is available at the club, hot showers, water, meals, snack and alcohol and soft drinks. All the family is welcome for the whole weekend.

Input welcome on the event program.

Radio management and boat availability.
Meals and food plans.
Planning meeting dates.