Sunday, July 06, 2008

SEASON OPENER Sunday 7th September

No, Don't panic and get the gear out early. 

Season starter is on the first Sunday in September

So there is plenty of time to watch the footy.  Do all those jobs that 'need' to be done around he house. Watch the olympics and then get the gear ready.

Pre sail Saturday 30th and then a help out a the club on Sunday the 31st August for the Anaconda Race. 

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Wildcat 2008

Tides for 2008 add 3 hrs for the Sailing Club

Friday 3rd @ 1023 High of 1.45m
Saturday 4th @ 1101 High of 1.41m
Sunday 5th @ 1145 High of 1.35m
Monday 6th @ 1238 High of 1.29 m

Local conditions are that tides on a waning moon means that the lake is fuller and slower to drain. So tides are 'fuller'.

For more local conditions etc go via Midcoast water weather page .