Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wildcat Results 2008

This is the quick version of the results. I will attempt to email the results out to all. Click on the fleet results to see a bigger version.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Wildcat Weather

So this was what Saturday's weather was like.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sunday 28th September

Weather forecast:

So far it is looking perfect for the weekend.

Looking good for the cycles of weather patterns with rain during the week and fine weather on the weekend.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sunday 21st September

Sunday is looking like a great day. A swinging SE heading up into a nice nor'easter. 

Time for a kite run...

Monday, September 15, 2008

2008 Wildcat Notice of Race

Great Lakes Sailing Club- Forster NSW


1.1* The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
1.2 The Prescriptions and Special Regulations of Yachting Australia Inc will apply

3.1 The regatta is open to all boats of the catamaran class(es).
3.3 Late entries will be accepted .

5.1 Required fees are as follows:
Class Fee
1 man boat $ 50
2 man boat $ 60
5.2 Other fees:
NPWS Car permit $10 for 4 days ( nil fee if you have a current NSWNPWS pass)
Camping permit $ 10 per night

7.1* Registration:
Day and date: Saturday 4th October From 0800 onwards including Sunday and Monday
7.3* Dates of racing:
Date Class all
Sat 4th racing from 1300
Sunday 5th racing from 1000
Monday 6th racing from 1000
7.4 Number of races:
Three races will constitute a series. There will be up to 12 races over three days.
7.5* The scheduled time of the warning signal for the first race on Saturday is 1255. The scheduled time of the warning signal for Sunday and Monday is 0955.

The sailing instructions will be available after 0800 on Saturday 4th October at the sailing venue.

10.1 The racing area shall be on the waters of Wallis Lake.

The courses to be sailed will be as follows:
A triangular and a Windward return course.

The diagrams in Attachment 1 show the courses, including the approximate angles between legs, the order in which marks are to be passed, and the side on which each mark is to be left. The approximate course length will be 6k.

13.1 The Lowest Point System will apply.

Prizes will be given as follows: 1st, 2nd ,3rd place for each division.

Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule 4, Decision to Race. The organizing authority will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the regatta.

Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of $10 million.

For further information please contact:
Tim Haffner 6551 0659
Scott Machon 6557 2154

Hobie Fiji Challenge

Great Lakes Sailors Ross Kneebone and Ray Muld recently returned from the Fiji Hobie Challenge.

The Challenge is a 5-day ocean sailing race that visited some of the least developed and most beautiful parts of the Fiji coast and inshore waters. The 5-day endurance ocean race covering 60 nautical miles tested the fitness and sailing skills of all sailors.
The course was set on the prevailing windward side of Viti Levu with most legs having the option of sailing within the protection of the outer barrier reef. With the low pressure system that brought the big swells to Forster recently having moved out into the Pacific, the challenge was one of survival. Some legs of the course were over 15 nautical miles of open water and sailing across 3-6m swells with 18-25knots of wind was a challenge.

Navigating the coral reefs was a significant challenge throughout the event. Often the entrance to the reefs and lagoon was through narrow channels and with large swells breaking only 50m away sailing was often dangerous. A capsize would certainly ended with a smashed boat.

At the end of the challenge Ray and Ross finished mid field in 13th position. An outstanding result against a fleet including several national champions.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sunday is Dad's Day and Start of the Sailing Season

Let it all begin. The start of the season and a season opener it will be.

Tiome to ge the dust off the daggers and unroll the sails. It's time for some racing.

What sort of forcast that is. There are arrows everywhere.

Racing planned from 1300. Be there for Wildcat discussions and all other sailing matters.

Major discussions about beer prices for the Wildcat and BBQ and bar duties.

-In Pursuit of pleasure with wind.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Anaconda Weekend and Club Housework

Volunteers are required for the Anaconda Sunday paddle leg.

The club is assisting the adventure race with water safety on Sunday.
We will be using both the boats for the day.

We will be required to lay our bouys along the course to act as a guide for the canoe paddlers.

The day is a good oportunity for the club to run the boats, get some practice in setting and retreiving the bouys, practice using the radios etc.

Please call Scott on 0418 402 382 or at home 6557 2154 if you are available for Sunday.

We'll plan to sleep at the club on Saturday night and use the weekend as an opportunity to do some house work at the club. Get the printer organised run the dishwasher, chech spare parts for boat. Mow lawns, weed for bindi etc.

The rescue boats GPS is out of service.

Wildcat planning. Who's doing what on the weekend.



Sunday, July 06, 2008

SEASON OPENER Sunday 7th September

No, Don't panic and get the gear out early. 

Season starter is on the first Sunday in September

So there is plenty of time to watch the footy.  Do all those jobs that 'need' to be done around he house. Watch the olympics and then get the gear ready.

Pre sail Saturday 30th and then a help out a the club on Sunday the 31st August for the Anaconda Race. 

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Wildcat 2008

Tides for 2008 add 3 hrs for the Sailing Club

Friday 3rd @ 1023 High of 1.45m
Saturday 4th @ 1101 High of 1.41m
Sunday 5th @ 1145 High of 1.35m
Monday 6th @ 1238 High of 1.29 m

Local conditions are that tides on a waning moon means that the lake is fuller and slower to drain. So tides are 'fuller'.

For more local conditions etc go via Midcoast water weather page .

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Wildcat Regatta

Much needs to be done at the next meeting.

Saturday night 28th June - Sunday 29th June
  • briefing on use of the sailwave program for results
  • briefing on use of IRB
  • safe use and number of passengers
  • Discussion on funds
  • Safety procedures for retreiving bouys, assisting capsized craft.
  • course layouts- setting a course.



Other matters.

The Wildcat regatta will be on during the middle weekend of the October school holidays.

The weekend will be a big one.


Get up and race!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Annual Fees Due ASPA

Dear All,

At present the clubs coffers are a little low after the purchase of the Container and other costw associated with the mower etc.

The fees were set at 1man boat $150 , 2man boat $200.

For the 2008-2009 season.

The account for deposit is :

Great Lakes Sailing Club
Commonwealth Bank Forster 06 2540 acc 0090 0359

Mail cheques to PO Box 8 Forster 2428

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sunday 25th May

The next sailing event is Sunday 25th May.

Possible Saturday night dinner...
Items for discussion:

  1. Wildcat theme and costs
  2. Winter series- last Sunday of the month. So the dates will be:

Sunday 25th May 29th June 27th July 31st AUGUST (working bee)

  1. Presentation evening date ______________
  2. Training-

IRB safe use fuel, passengers, role in races

Regatta results management using sailwave etc.

Rescue and boat management- setting and retrieving buoys, assisting capsized craft.

  1. Updating the radios, UHF 5w radios for consistent communication. Radio required for the duck.
  2. Repairing/ replace the GPS- not working- is a hand held an option?
  3. Application for Sport and Recreation Capital Assistance Programs funds. We can recover cost of container through the application...
There is plenty to be done, so see you at the club on the 24th or 35th of May.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sunday 15th March

Tom's Triumph

It’s a bitter sweet thing to be beaten by a 70yr old semi retiree. Pre race they seem to have all the time in the world (they do- they’re retired), not overly concerned about too much and more intent on giving up every detail of their last extended holiday. Yet still, I called out across the water and congratulated Tom Dalton on winning the first race of the afternoon. It wasn’t an easy race and Tom had won it convincingly. The wind was a temperamental South Easterly and was not consistent across the course at times there were gusts across the course which lifted the boats along, then the breeze would drop and crews were left to search for more wind lines on the water.
Tom raised his hand to acknowledge my comment then replied along the lines that something will beat class every time. Considering that Tom had led the fleet from the start and it had been a long race, I assumed that Tommy had a fair amount of class to compliment that arse.
As we move towards the end of the season, many of the clubs crews have had outstanding recent performances. Ross Kneebone and Ray Muld on their Hobie 16 returned form  the Darren Lowder memorial regatta winning the Hobie 16 fleet, which included defeating World top 20 finalist Nick King. Garry Tuck was the outstanding performer at the Trail Bay regatta, leading the Spinnaker division throughout the weekend and Tim Haffner gave the Manning club boats a 20 minute head start and ran down all the fleet to finish first in the Final Manning race.
These results are a great indicator of the quality of sailing that is being maintained in the Forster club. Tom’s result on the weekend show that there are some pretty fast boats out there and some equally good sailors. 

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Sunday 10th February

Weekend weather report for sailing looks good to me.